The photo galleries on this page were contributed by people within the Argo Program as well as those outside.  All resources are freely available for use in publications and websites.  Please credit the Argo Program (  If other credit is listed, please include that as well.

Float deployments

Deployment of NEMO floats from the German icebreaker Polarstern Bremerhaven

Deployment of Arvor floats from the French R/V Pourquoi Pas

Other float deployments

Deep Argo deployments from the R/V Ka`imikai-O-Kanaloa

Deploying a float without stopping the ship

The purpose of the deployment box is to protect the float against impact with the water when released from a moving ship, including cross braces designed to protect the antenna. After the box is secured with biodegradable twine knotted using lifesaver candy rings as dissolvable, biodegradable links, it will protect the float when the box hits the water. The lifesaver candy ringss will dissolve after a short time, causing the box to open, releasing the float to complete its mission. The float, in its deployment box, can be lifted over the rail and released into the water manually, or it can be lowered on a line.  The process is illustrated in these photos.


Float preparation

SOLO float preparation in the Instrument Development Group Ffoat lab at Scripps Institution of Oceanography

SOCCOM BGC Argo float preparations at the University of Washington float lab

Sensor calibration done prior to deployment


Photo galleries

Argo 3000

During the month of October 2007, over 100 floats were deployed by Argo scientists around the world to reach 3000 active Argo floats. Click the photo to see some of the Argo 3000 float candidates.

Argo Google Gallery

Click the photo visit the Argo Google gallery to search through more Argo photos.

SOCCOM Gallery

Click the photo to visit the SOCCOM photo galleries on Flickr.


Make an Icosohedron

Howard Freeland in Canada has produced the image below which can be cut out and assembled to form a icosohedron.