AST-25 meeting report now available

The AST-25 meeting report is now available from the ‘Meetings‘ page.  From there, find links to the report, action items, group photo, and Google folder with meeting materials.

ADMT-25 webpage is live

The ADMT-25 webpage contains lots of useful information about the meeting location and travel logistics. Registration will not open until later this year, but please email if you need a visa invitation letter.

Submit an abstract for the 8th WMO Workshop

The 8th WMO Workshop on the Impact of Various Observing Systems on Numerical Weather Prediction and Earth System Prediction will be hosted by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), at their headquarters in Norrköping, Sweden, from 27 to 30 May 2024. The workshop will be held in a hybrid mode, thus also enabling online participation. We are happy to announce that we have just started to … Read More

Abstract submission open for OSTST Meeting in November 2023

The Ocean Surface Topography Science Team (OSTST) Meeting is happening 7 – 11 November 2023 in Puerto Rico.  For more details, click here. There will be a Splinter Session on ‘Synergies Between Argo, GRACE and Altimetry’ and abstract submission is open now until 4 September, 2023. Registration information will be coming soon, but in the meantime, please consider submitting an … Read More

Registration now open for ADMT-24

Register now for the ADMT-24 meeting in Hobart, Tasmania the week of October 23 – 27, 2023.   Argo Data Management Team Meeting 24 (ADMT-24)