Register now for AST-26

Scripps Institution of Oceanography is hosting the 26th AST meeting on 14 – 18 April, 2025. Click here to register. Click here to learn more about the meeting.

WHOI will host ADMT-26

Thank you to WHOI for offering to host ADMT-26. Save the dates 20 – 24 October, 2025.

SCOR BGC products WG Webinar

The first SCOR Working Group 168 Webinar will occur on Wednesday, November 26th, 2024 at 12pm CET. Title: Advancements in Biogeophysical 4D reconstructions: New methods development and exploitation of existing products for scientific investigations Presenter: Dr. Bruno Buongiorno Nardelli, Italian National Research Council The presentation will address two key topics: the development of physically-informed neural network methods for the joint … Read More

Submit an abstract for the Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences

Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences (XMAS 2025), which will be held in Xiamen from January 14th to 17th, 2025. There is a session on “Leveraging Autonomous Platforms to Study Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Dynamics” (description below) and please submit an abstract if you are interested! Session Description: The advent of various autonomous platforms, such as profiling floats, gliders, moorings, and … Read More

AST-25 meeting report now available

The AST-25 meeting report is now available from the ‘Meetings‘ page.  From there, find links to the report, action items, group photo, and Google folder with meeting materials.

ADMT-25 webpage is live

The ADMT-25 webpage contains lots of useful information about the meeting location and travel logistics. Registration will not open until later this year, but please email if you need a visa invitation letter.