BGC-Argo session at Ocean Sciences 2022

There will be a BGC-Argo session (OB07) at Ocean Sciences 2022. Click here for more details. Submission deadline is extended to 11:59pm EDT on 29 September 2021.

Register now for the BGC-Argo and 3rd Deep-Argo Workshop

The registration for the virtual BGC-Argo & 3rd Deep-Argo Workshop during the week 27 September – 1 October 2021 is open:  register here. The agenda for this meeting and other additional information can be found here: BGC-Deep-Argo-Workshop Please be aware that the deadline for registration is 20th September 2021. Please note that all sessions are from 13:00 to 16:00 UTC. Zoom … Read More

Call for abstracts for 2nd Ocean Observers Workshop

The 2nd Ocean Observers workshop, an online event focusing on educational activities linked with in situ ocean observations, will be organized on November 29th, 30th and December 1st, 2021. The Ocean Observers is an international educational network of marine scientists and communicators, teachers, and other stakeholders who are willing to share marine science educational resources and experiences for exploring the … Read More

ADMT-22 scheduled for 6 – 10 December, 2021

The ADMT-22 meeting will take place the week of 6 – 10 December 2021 and is currently planning to be a hybrid meeting with in-person attendance in Miami, FL, USA with virtual sessions.  A final decision on whether to stay with a hybrid meeting or move to virtual only will occur in early September. There will be targeted three hour … Read More

The Global Biogeochemical-Argo Fleet: Knowledge to Action Workshop

May 4, 11, 18, 25, and June 1 A virtual workshop building on the priorities of the G7 Future of the Seas and Oceans Initiative to explore the applications of a global data-stream from the Biogeochemical-Argo array in fisheries, carbon budget verification, and environmental forecasting. For more information, including a provisional agenda, click here.

BGC AST Agenda available for AST-22 meeting

The BGC AST Agenda and several national reports have been uploaded on the AST-22 meeting webpage. Zoom information will be sent out to all participants next week.  Please register to receive the links.

AST-22 schedule is available

The AST-22 meeting week schedule has been finalized and is available on the meeting webpage. The Agenda has been posted for the plenary sessions.  Please register by 15 March, 2021.  Meeting link information will be sent to registrants. Please continue checking the meeting webpage for more information.