Argo’s more than 3500 floats provide 100,000 plus temperature and salinity profiles each year which create a large data set available on the Argo GDACs. As an alternative to using individual profiles from the GDACs, different groups around the world have produced various products based on Argo data.  While these products include Argo data, they are not maintained by Argo itself.  These products fall into the following categories:

Below you will find links to the gridded products.  Please click the other links above to access other Argo products or visit our operational center page to look at data from model outputs using Argo.

While each producer makes every effort to remove errors from their product, some might still exist. Therefore, users are reminded that these products are to be used cautiously. Please notify the producer if an error is discovered. Please credit the product appropriately.

If you have gridded fields or other products based on Argo data that you would like added to this page, please email with all the necessary data for the table.

If using one of these products in a publication, please remember to acknowledge Argo data with the following statement and the Argo DOI.

These data were collected and made freely available by the International Argo Program and the national programs that contribute to it. (https://argo.ucsd.edu  The Argo Program is part of the Global Ocean Observing System. “
Argo (2000). Argo float data and metadata from Global Data Assembly Centre (Argo GDAC). SEANOE.

Gridded fields
Institution Documentation & Access Gridded field description Data Source Vertical resolution Temporal coverage Temporal resolution Update frequency
Univ. Brest / Ifremer / CNRS (SNO Argo France/LOPS) 10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0028.1

data access

ISAS: Global gridded 1/2 degree NetCDF monthly fields and profile data base (2002-2020) – Argo only
– Argo plus others
187 levels to 2000 m 2002 – 2020 monthly every two years
Chinese Academy of Sciences 10.1126/sciadv.1601545

data access

IAP:  Global gridded 1 degree NetCDF dataset including Argo and other underwater profiles
– Argo only
– Argo plus others
41 levels to 2000 m 1940 – 2020 monthly monthly
Copernicus Environment Monitoring Marine Service – Coriolis 10.5194/os-9-1-2013

data access

CORA5:  Global gridded 1/2 degree NetCDF dataset produced by optimal interpolation yearly  Argo plus others 250 levels to 2000 m 1950 – year N-2 monthly yearly

data access

BOA-Argo: Global gridded 1 degree NetCDF or Matlab dataset produced by the Barnes Method
Includes temperature, salinity, isothermal layer depth, mixed layer depth and composed mixed layer depth
Argo only 58 levels to 1975 dbar Since 2004-01-01 monthly yearly

 data access via “Access” section of website

CARS2009:  Global gridded 1/2 degree NetCDF dataset produced by LOES filter from all profile data including Argo but excluding bathythermograph. Also seasonal dynamic height and MLD.  Argo plus others 79 levels to 5500 m 1930 to May 2009 Mean and seasonal sinusoids rarely

 data access via “Access” section of website

CARS2009:  Global gridded 1/2 degree NetCDF dataset produced by LOES filter from only Argo. Also seasonal dynamic height and MLD.  Argo only 66 levels to 2000 m All Argo, updated ~3 monthly Mean and seasonal sinusoids rarely
U. Hamburg 10.5194/os-14-1127-2018
data access
WAGHC:  Global gridded 1/4 degree full depth NetCDF temperature and salinity climatology produced on isobaric and isopycnal layers Argo plus others 65 levels to 6500 m 1985 – 2016 monthly rarely
INCOIS Documentation
INCOIS Live Access Server
Indian Ocean gridded 1 degree NetCDF Argo only dataset produced by Objective Analysis Argo only 19 levels to 1000 dbars Since 2002-01-01 monthly monthly

data access
Global gridded 1 degree ASCII and NetCDF dataset produced by variational interpolation from Argo only profiles (Aviso altimetry for
Absolute Dynamic Topography fields was used)
Argo plus Aviso altimetry 27 levels to 2000 m Since 2005-01-01 monthly monthly

data access

MOAA GPV:  Global gridded  1 degree NetCDF dataset produced by optimal interpolation from all available data including Argo.  Argo plus others 25 levels to 2000 dbars Since 2001-01-01 monthly monthly
JAMSTEC 10.1007/s10872-010-0063-3

data access

MILA GPV:  Global gridded 1 degree NetCDF of Mixed Layer Depth with its related parameters.  Argo only Since 2001-01-01 10-day and monthly averages and monthly climatology monthly
Met Office 10.1002/2013JC009067

data access

EN4:  Global gridded 1 degree NetCDF objective analyses produced from all types of data including Argo  Argo plus others 42 levels to 5350 m Including Argo since 1999-01-01 monthly monthly

data access

WOA18:  Global gridded 1 degree NetCDF objective analyses based on WOD18 Argo plus others  137 levels to 5500 m 2005 – 2017 monthly climatology occasionally
NOAA 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0836.110.1007/s10872-010-0063-3

data access

ERSSTv5:  Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature global gridded 2 degree NetCDF and ASCII dataset Argo plus others Since 1854 monthly climatology monthly
NOAA-PMEL / University of East Anglia 10.1002/jgrc.20122

data access

MIMOC:  Global gridded 1/2 degree NetCDF files for isopycnal surface and mixed layer water properties and combined pressure-gridded files,
produced by objective mapping including front-finding and bathymetry-following algorithms. 
Argo plus others 81 levels to 1950 dbars Climatological year, emphasizing data since 2007 monthly rarely
Scripps Institution of Oceanography 10.1002/2017GL073426

data access

Holte MLD:  Global gridded 1 degree NetCDF and Matlab Mixed Layer Depth climatology Argo only Since 2001-01-01 climatology of monthly mixed layer depths and properties occasionally
Scripps Institution of Oceanography 10.1016/j.pocean.2009.03.004

SIO website with monthly updates

https access for temperature file

https access for salinity file

RG climatology:  Global gridded 1 degree NetCDF Argo only dataset produced by optimal interpolation Argo only 58 levels to 2000 dbars Since 2004-01-01 monthly monthly
Shanghai Ocean University 10.3390/jmse10050650

User Manual

ftp access

GDCSM_Argo: Global gridded  1 degree NetCDF and Matlab Argo only dataset based on  Gradient-Dependent Optimal Interpolation
Argo only 58 levels to 1975 dbars 2004-2021 monthly semiannually
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 10.1175/JPO-D-23-0225.1

User Manual

https access

Mesoscale Ocean Circulation Atlas: MOCA2000_2020: Global gridded 0.5 degrees in longitude and 0.25 degress in latitude NetCDF dataset including twenty-year means and their standard errors for water properties, geostrophic velocities, and geopotential anomaly
Argo plus  others 82 levels to 2000 dbars 2000-2020 Twenty-year mean