Software tools have been developed for a variety of audiences from beginners to Argo data experts.  Some tools are designed to access data, manipulate it and visualize it while others help Argo experts perform quality control.  In addition, some tools are targeted at the entire Argo collection, while others focus only on BGC or Deep Argo data.

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Visualization and access tools

Name Description Target user Language OS Argo mission Website
Argo Online School How to access and use Argo data via online or downloadable Jupyter Notebook beginners, experts python windows, linux, macos All
argopy: Argo data python library Argo data fetching (online and offline), manipulation and visualization beginners, experts python windows, linux, macos All
Argovis API calls
Access the Argovis database via API calls in Matlab and python to make plots of Argo float data, metadata and profiles in a spatial and temporal region of choice.
beginners, experts Matlab, python windows, linux, macos All
argoFloats: Tools for analyzing the collections of oceanographic Argo floats in R
The ‘argoFloats’ package provides support for downloading and analyzing Argo float datasets
beginners, experts R windows, linux, macos All
OneArgo Float toolboxes Toolboxes developed by GO-BGC to access and visualize OneArgo data beginners, experts Matlab, Python, R windows, linux, macos All
EuroArgo Selection Tool The EuroArgo Selection Tool allows users to download a selection of Argo data in csv, Argo netCDF or Copernicus netCDF format Public, educators, Argo community, scientific community URL interface windows, linux, macos All
Mon Océan et moi website Designed specifically to raise students awareness of ocean science and help students follow floats in the ocean. Explore the interactive map showing BGC Argo float locations and BGC Argo data. Public, educators, Argo community, scientific community URL interface windows, linux, macos All

Quality control tools

Name Description Target user Language OS Argo mission Website
Argo Canada BGC Quality Control Python package for performing DMQC on BGC Argo data which is based heavily on SOCCOM/BGC Argo processing experts Python windows, linux, macos BGC
Deep CTD selection Can be used in the Matlab OWC toolbox to select reference data deeper than a desired pressure level experts Matlab windows, linux, macos Deep
DM_Cpcor Algorithm that gives a refined estimate of CPcor_new for a float by comparing a Deep-Argo profile to a reference profile experts Matlab windows, linux, macos Deep
DM_FILLER Code that fills BD files with DM adjustmetns experts R windows, linux, macos BGC
File Checker Java code that can be run locally to see if Argo netCDF files will pass File Checker prior to inclusion on GDAC experts Java windows, linux, macos All
The Matlab OWC toolbox Run the OWC salinity calibration method for DMQC experts Matlab windows, linux, macos Core
LOCODOX Matlab code to estimate DOXY adjustments and fill BD files accordingly experts Matlab windows, linux, macos BGC
MPV: Matlab Profiles Visualization GUI design to help in DMQC of Argo profiles.  It reads the Argo NetCDF files, converts them into MATLAB format, allows Argo profiles selection, produces graphs of temperature and salinity, performs a tailored comparison between the float and reference profiles and provides the main information of float profiles. experts Matlab windows, linux, macos Core
PMEL_GUI GUI that QC’s OWC output experts Matlab windows, linux, macos Core
RBRargo_DMQC This repository includes resources necessary to improve data quality for the RBRargo3 in Delayed-Mode Quality Control (DMQC). experts Matlab windows, linux, macos Core
SOCCOM/BGC-Argo processing GUI to do QC on BGC-Argo data in Matlab. Specifically oxygen, pH and NO3- Argo NetCDF files can be read in and compared to reference datasets. experts Matlab windows, linux, macos BGC
SCOOP-Argo Scoop-Argo visual quality control vizualizes a series of Argo floats NetCDF cycle files. The data are displayed in interactive graphics, with bathymetry, climatology and geographic maps environmental information. Quality Control flags are graphically changed by the User. When changes are recorded, the history section is updated with the list of performed changes. experts Java windows, linux, macos All