Register now for the ADMT-23 meeting

The registration page has opened for the hybrid ADMT-23 meeting. Please register by 25 November. The ADMT-23 meeting webpage is here with general information about the meeting. There is a block of hotel rooms reserved at the Marriot which can be booked by clicking on the ‘Logistics’ tab on the right side of the page. Agendas will be posted in … Read More

AOML to host ADMT-23 on 5 – 9 December 2022

The 23rd ADMT meeting will be a hybrid meeting taking place in Miami, FL the week of 5 – 9 December 2022. There will be BGC-ADMT sessions on the 5th and 6th and ADMT plenary sessions on the 7th – 9th of December. Meeting details and registration coming soon.

Register now for the 7th Argo Science Workshop

Registrations for the 7th Argo Science Workshop are now open, until September 4th, 2022. The 3-day workshop will take place at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS) in Brussels, Belgium, on October 11th-13th, 2022. It is organised as a hybrid event, with in-person and virtual attendance options. Please find more information on the workshop objectives and a draft programme … Read More

Register for the AST-23 meeting

Please register for the AST-23 meeting by 1 March 2022. The meeting web page is here and it contains a link to register as well as other information about the meeting.