What is the Argo Program Office?
The Argo Program Office (APO) provides support and infastructure that is independent of the national programs that is needed to keep a project as big as Argo functioning smoothly. The APO has three components: the Argo Director, the Argo Program Coordinator and the Argo Technical Coordinator
Argo Director
Dr. Breck Owens is the current Argo Director. He follows Dr. Howard Freeland and Dr. John Gould as the previous Argo Directors.
The Argo Director’s responsibilities include:
- Running the APO and its finances so as to enable the Argo array to be completed and maintained.
- Close collaboration with, and direction of the work of the Argo Technical Coordinator.
- Regular communication with the (co-) chairs of the AST and the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) and the execution of activities requested by them.
- Ensuring that the APO is an effective communications hub and information source for Argo.
- Planning and preparation for meetings of the AST and for other meetings organized by Argo.
- Oversight of the completion of action items from the AST.
- Stimulating regular and effective communication between all parties and countries involved in Argo.
- Producing material and giving presentations to enhance a wider recognition of the progress made and opportunities presented by Argo.
Argo Program Coordinator
Megan Scanderbeg is the current Argo Program Coordinator and works at Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla, CA, USA.
The Argo Program Coordinator’s responsibilities include:
- Maintaining the Argo Steering Team website.
- Regular communication with the (co-) chairs of the AST, the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT), and other Argo mission teams and the execution of activities requested by them.
- Planning and preparation for meetings of the AST and for other meetings organized by Argo.
- Producing AST meeting reports with action times. Oversight of the completion of action items from the AST.
- Maintaining the Argo bibliography which includes papers published using Argo data.
Argo Technical Coordinator
The Argo Technical Coordinator (ATC) is presently Mathieu Belbeoch who runs the Argo Information Centre (AIC) as part of JCOMMOPS in Brest, France. The ATC post is supported by financial contributions from Argo’s international partners. The countries that have contributed to the AIC include Argentina, Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Japan, South Korea, UK and USA.
The AIC was established in 2002 specifically to monitor the development of the Argo float array so as to implement Resolution XX-6 of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO relating to the notification of floats likely to enter a country’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). The AIC and ATC also fulfill a wider monitoring and information-gathering function for Argo.
The Argo Technical Coordinator’s responsibilities include:
- Running the AIC which involves:
- Coordinating technical information on Argo
- Collecting and assembling technical information in a structured manner
- Responding to technical inquiries
- Informing IOC member states about deployment of floats which might drift into their Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) according to IOC resolution XX-6
- Developing and maintaining a web based float monitoring system that can be used to alert IOC member states in real time on the status of floats entering their Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ) and to inform them of the requirement of Argo to keep such floats operational.
- Providing general support to the Argo project under the direction of the AD in matters included in the remit of the APO and AD and as directed by the AST.