Argo robots are free roaming ocean adventurers

Frontiers for Young Minds just published a fun article explaining Argo to the kid in all of us.  Thanks to Blair Greenan, Annie Wong, Tammy Morris, Emily Smith and Marine Bollard for helping people of all ages understand how Argo floats work, what they can tell us and why that matters.  Click here to read the article.

Climate Science Policy students visit the Argo float lab at Scripps

Students in the Climate Science Policy program at Scripps Institution of Oceanography visited the Argo float lab at the Instrument Development Group. In the background, there are two Argo floats visible.  The cylindrical one on the left is a SOLO-II that performs core Argo missions and the spherical one on the table on the right is a Deep SOLO float … Read More

The first submission is a piece of artwork Howard Freeland received from a student in June 2011 after he had the opportunity to talk to a group of “home-school” children in Canada during an event called Tech Week organized by a home-school parent. Howard has worked with these children before, many live in remote areas without access to schools. Eliana … Read More

Teaching French using Argo floats

Dr. Nathalie Zilberman visited a French high school class in Grossmont, CA during September 2015 where she used her native French to talk about Argo floats.  She brought a demo SOLO-II Argo float to help explain how floats work. Here is where Grossmont is located:

Team Oulu competes in UNESCO’s Youth Mobile Ocean App Competition

Within its YouthMobile Initiative, in 2015 UNESCO supported the organization of a YouthMobile Ocean App Competition between schools in the city of Oulu in Finland. Argo data and on-line resources were used by the competition to encourage students to interact with mobile App technologies and environmental sciences. The winning App, called “Aaro’s Adventure” was conceptualized and designed by 17-year-old students … Read More

Argo in New Zealand Classrooms

Carol Brieseman regularly discusses Argo floats in her classroom and wrote an article in New Zealand Science Teacher about how to incorporate science related to Argo in the classroom. Here is a picture of a student making a cartesian diver to explore buoyancy of floats. There is also a diagram of an Argo float with ice-detection software. Here is an exerpt from … Read More

Science and Society Honors Seminar at UC San Diego

Revelle College, which is one of the undergraduate colleges with UC San Diego, runs an Honors Seminar each quarter for high achievers among Revelle Freshmen. The theme for fall quarter 2015 was “Science and Society”, with different guest presenters each week. In the final week (December 1, 2015), Prof Sarah Gille brought along the Scripps demonstration version of a SOLO-II … Read More

Measuring the Ocean – Ocean observations and our life

On Saturday March 26th, 2016 a workshop was held by at Tohoku University, Sendai. The workshop had the title “Measuring the Ocean – Ocean observations and our life” and was sponsored by the Graduate School of Science and the International Research Institute for Disaster Science, both at Tohoku University. The event took place on one day only in the Aoba … Read More

Sea Days at Birch Aquarium

On October 21st, 2017 scientists from Scripps Institution of Oceanography did an outreach event at the Birch Aquarium for the general public. Nathalie Zilberman, Sarah Purkey and Megan Scanderbeg brought a sample Deep Argo SOLO float, LEGO Argo float models, and posters on Argo to the Birch Aquarium for visitors to see and learn about Argo. The animation produced by the … Read More

Ocean Warming: why it is happening, how we know it is happening and how technology can help the scientific community to clarify the different aspects of ocean warming

In January 2019, Daniela Faggiani-dias taught a middle school class in San Diego, CA about ocean warming using an Argo float. Her talk entitled ‘Ocean Warming: why it is happening, how we know it is happening and how technology can help the scientific community to clarify the different aspects of ocean warming’, was part of outreach activities sponsored by Stay Cool … Read More