Argo “Salty drift” Salinity Data Issue Notice 2021

Starting in 2015, an increased number of Sea-Bird conductivity cells used on Argo floats have drifted salty (   The fraction of “salty drifters” has been correlated with particular CTD batches, with some percentages being greater than 50% by the end of their second year after deployment.  Sea-Bird Scientific has implemented a manufacturing change at the end of 2018, and … Read More

BGC-Argo technical coordinator position announcement

UNESCO – IOC Ocean Observations technical coordinator with two main responsibilities: Project Officer for the BGC-Argo mission Coordinator for the OceanOPS Mediterranean Regional Focus The incumbent will be based at Institut de la Mer de Villefranche, Sorbonne Université, Villefranche-sur-mer, France. Deadline for application: May 7, 2021 Click here for the announcement.

Updated Sea-Bird SBE41CP and SBE61 CTD Quality Concern

Please see this important announcement from Sea-Bird regarding SBE41CP and SBE61 CTDs in certain serial number ranges. There is a ‘do not deploy’ directive for the following: SBE 41CP and SBE41CP Deep:  10482-11252 SBE 61: 5669-5724

OneArgo proposal submitted to the UN Ocean Decade

Argo submitted a program proposal to the UN Ocean Decade describing the new global, full depth, interdisciplinary Argo array. Click here to read the answers submitted to the Survey Monkey call.

NSF funds GO-BGC grant to deploy 500 BGC floats worldwide

NSF awarded a $53 million grant to five US institutions to produce 500 BGC Argo floats to be deployed world wide over the next five years.  Congratulations to MBARI, UW, WHOI, Scripps and Princeton on this major award.  To learn more, read the article at Science or the UC San Diego press release.

JCOMMOPS is now OceanOPS

JCOMMOPS has been re-branded to OceanOPS, complete with a new URL: Click here to see the press release. To learn more about OceanOPS, read their report card or study their five year strategy. Congratulations OceanOPS!  

Argo bibliography, Argo in press updated.

Argo bibliography, Argo in press, BGC Argo Mission bibliography and Deep Argo Mission bibliography updated. Argo thesis list to be updated soon. Inform of changes.

Argo data paper covering the first twenty years of Argo out now

This paper, led by Annie Wong, describes the Argo data stream and its quality control procedures from 1999 – 2019.  The changing vertical resolution and spatial coverage is documented along with accuracies of float data as compared to high quality shipboard measurements.  The paper carefully documents the main problems with the pressure and salinity sensors and includes information on pred-deployment … Read More