Call for abstracts for OP’24 symposium

The “Call for Abstracts” for the OP ’24 Symposium is now OPEN and expected to close on 31 May 2024. There is still time to pre-register and submit an abstract. Kindly find here the link for the abstract submission: OceanPredict Symposium 2024 – Call for abstracts now OPEN (

Argo bibliographies updated

All Argo bibliographies, including thesis citations have been updated.  See this page to find links to all the bibliographies.

Sea-Bird Scientific float production announcement

Sea-Bird Scientific has issued an announcement regarding NAVIS float production which can be read here. They are choosing to focus on producing high qualities sensors to best support OneArgo and will be phasing out the Navis and Navis BGC floats.  All current orders will be fulfilled.  Please see the announcement for more details.

Argo and Deep Argo floats from UC San Diego are tracking climate change’s impact

NBC San Diego visited the Instrument Develop Group Lab at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego to learn about the Argo floats produced there and what they measure.  Dr. Sarah Purkey is interviewed and the impact of Argo’s impact on our understanding of the ocean and climate change.  To view the story, click here.    

New video about Argo aimed at young minds

Exploring By The Seat of Your Pants features Annie Wong in it’s latest video entitled ‘Deep Sea Robotic Ocean Exploration with Annie Wong’.  The video is aimed at 8 – 13 year old young minds and accompanies the Frontiers Young Mind’s article.  Please enjoy and share it with the young minds you know.

What’s new with Argo data?

Are you an Argo data user?  If so, browse through these slides (pdf or pptx version) to learn all about the Argo data set in 2022 and 2023. We share how many profiles have been measured, how fast the data is getting delivered onto the GTS as well as information about newly available tools to access Argo data. We also … Read More

New to deploying floats?

Check out the new float deployment best practices webpage for resources and best practices for deploying Argo floats.