Howard Freeland is the new Argo Director effective 1 August, 2013. He is volunteering at roughly 50% of full time and will be hosted by the Institute of Ocean Sciences, Canada with Argo and its contributing countries supporting his travel and operating budget either directly or via the AIC. He will work for two years before revisiting the situation.
Deep Argo pilot data enters the Argo data stream
As part of pilot deployments, Argo profiles reaching below 2000dbar will start appearing in the Argo data system. The accuracy of the data below 2000dbar is not yet well understood and so Argo is currently labelling these data with lower quality flags (2 and 3) in real time. We warn users to treat these data with care and recognize that we … Read More
Introduction to new V3 formatted files
Learn about the V3 profile files, trajectory files and meta files now being produced by the Argo DACs.
Argo float deployments along the Equatorial Pacific from the S/V Investigator
The S/V Investigator (Pacific Expeditions Ltd) has completed the deployment of 41 Argo floats along the Equator from 100W to 160E in the Pacific Ocean. See the map below for deployment locations shown as red dots. The blue dots are other Argo floats in the region. The purpose of this equatorial deployment is to improve the Tropical Pacific Observing System, … Read More
Gregory Johnson receives 2013 Wurst Prize
Dr. Gregory C. Johnson received the Georg Wüst Prize 2013 at the European Geophysical Union (EGU) General Assembly in Vienna, Austria, April 2013. This biannual prize is awarded for outstanding contributions to the general field of oceanography and is sponsored by the German Society for Marine Research and Ocean Dynamics. Congratulations, Greg Johnson, on this wonderful award.