The Lady Amber completes its first long cruise to deploy floats

The Lady Amber’s first real cruise, chartered for Australian Argo via JCOMMOPS, was originally planned to deploy about 20 floats from Cape Town to Mauritius, then from Mauritius to Seychelles, then back to South of Mauritius to transect to Perth around 35°S. The transect to Seychelles was restricted for security reasons; the high risk piracy area starts at 10°N. Several float positions … Read More

Susan Wijffels wins the 2009 Priestley Medal of AMOS and M R Banks Medal

The Australian Meteorological & Oceanographic Society ( has informed Susan Wijffels that she has won the 2009 Priestley Medal of AMOS. This award is given to younger scientists for personal excellence in meteorological, oceanographic or climate research done mostly in Australia. The award is based largely on the quality of research publications and the initiation of significant new areas of … Read More

Pacific Marine Data and Observations Training Workshop

Copy of an article from the PI-GOOS website Over the last decade the number of coastal and open ocean programs collecting marine environmental data in the Pacific has grown substantially. Uptake and use of the data being generated by these programs is relatively low amongst Pacific Island countries. A training workshop was therefore held in Nadi, Fiji, from 22-25 Sept … Read More

Argo 3000

Argo reaches its goal of 3000 active floats! During the month of October 2007, over 100 floats were deployed by various Argo scientists around the world to reach 3000 active Argo floats. Since we cannot tell exactly which float was the 3000th, float deployers were invited to submit photos of “Argo_3000” float candidates. Below are the winning Argo_3000 photos (starting … Read More

AMS awards the Sverdrup Gold Medal Award to Dean Roemmich

It was announced today (8 November 2007) by the American Meteorological Society ( that the Sverdrup Gold Medal is awarded this year to Prof. Dean H. Roemmich. The citation reads “For major contributions to the measurement and understanding of the ocean’s role in climate, and for leading the development and implementation of the Argo profiling float array.” While we know … Read More